Thursday, October 23, 2008


First of November- The Start of NaNoWriMo. And NiH has got a new section to work on it in! You'll find it in the Writing section, titled 'write write write'.

Some people are getting very excited for NaNo, and I *should* be excited but as yet I've not thought of what I'm going to do, so instead I'm just nervous! I should think about it a little more over the weekend I think!

What is NaNoWriMo? National Novel Writing Month. Thousands of people around the world attempt to write a 50,000 word novel in a month. It's pretty intense.
But very fun.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Comic Update

NiH's comic has updated!
To find it, go to Notebook

The most recent one about a canary is another 'guest' comic, ie from a Non NiHer. He's got a few more coming.

Monday, October 20, 2008


This is something that could be interesting! Interviews!
What is going to happen, is I'll find someone to interview. An artist or writer or crafter, probably of varying levels of experience- I doubt I can get anyone famous for a while! I might pick a focus, like "editing", and then we'll all come up with questions to ask the guest. I'll email the guest with the questions we decide on, they'll reply with the answers, and I'll post it in the articles and reviews section. And then we can all read and discuss. I am really hoping that it will be useful and inspiring, and get us back on topic a little more.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

NiH Has Ads

Another bit of big news for NiH is... we have Project Wonderful ads now. And I *am* finding them wonderful! They're on NiH and also the NiH drunkduck webcomic- and once there are enough posts on this blog, they'll be here too.

Unlike the Google Adsense fiasco, this has nooo problem with people clicking the ads- in fact it's highly encouraged, both by me and the PW people. It's great fun surfing through the links!

I'm hoping the money from the ads will be enough to send out a prize every now and then. And if I'm really really lucky, enough that I can pay for the webhosting and domain and whatnot or maybe even have some sort of wage! So, I encourage you very much to click the links (even though it's not pay per click, they still are more likely to advertise with us if the links are clicked)

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Prose Challenge 2008

There's a lot to post here in the comm, but the more urgent bit of news about NiH right now is that the Prose Challenge voting is on.
What is the Prose Challenge? One of the very generous members of NiH has once again hosted a competition, which all NiHers were encouraged to enter. This year there were 10 entries submitted. A little down from last year but still reasonable! Here's hoping next time is better.
You'll be able to find the voting in the Drawing Room.

Each story had to incorporate

- an unusual phobia
- a profound sense of envy
- a violent temper
- a positive family relationship
- someone being misunderstood

(You might want to use these as prompts even if you weren't in the competition)

The prize is a tshirt, very generously donated.

I'd love it if as many people as possible went in and read the stories and voted. :)

Notebook In Hand

First, let me introduce you to Notebook In Hand.

NiH, as it is fondly known (pronounced either as En Eye Aitch or 'NiH' (rhymes with Knee)) is a forum that has been around for a little over three years now. It started off on a free forum, and after that site crashed, the Admin's friend gave her a domain name and hosting. She's still never been able to pay him back.

NiH is a forum with people from many different countries, and the thing that they have in common is- they're all creative. There are writers, artists, musicians, actors, crafters, and many other creative types, and we all attempt to help each other with our endeavours. We're always on the look out for new members.

This blog will provide information about NiH, and thoughts about it and adminning. I hope you enjoy it, and I hope that you join us!

If you're a member of NiH but you don't come on very often, using the rss on this blog could help you keep in touch and get you to come in when something important is on.