Thursday, November 20, 2008

Helping and Donating To NiH

There are many ways that you can aid NiH, both monetarily and with your time and effort.

1. A donation through paypal -
It will help give your admin some sort of wage- most of which will no doubt go to keeping NiH running.

2. Clicking the ads.
Unlike Google Adsense, you can feel very free to click Project Wonderful ads- in fact it's encouraged. People pay per day rather than paying per click.

3. Advertising NiH.
Go around and post the link to NiH around the internet! You have no idea how much this helps us.

4. Clicking the Amazon ads before you go and buy anything on Amazon.
I then get a small amount of money from Amazon for referring you, for no extra charge to yourself.

5. Writing an Article or Review, and finding people to Interview
This really helps us- it helps people find us via google. It doesn't have to be perfect or fantastic.

6. Getting people to join
Pretty obvious what that means.

7. Posting
Yes, as simple as that- just post around the forum. You may not be able to donate with money, but donating your time to other members is so important, and it also helps me very much with keeping the forum going.

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